The teams will be given 5 questions to be decoded from SyChi
Language within 45 mins.
The team that decodes within 15 mins will receive 1 Lakh
The team that decodes within 30 mins will receive 75k
The team that decodes within 45 mins will receive 50k
Top 10 teams will move to the auction round
Note: If we don’t get 10 teams. The selection will be based on
decoding the complete questions with first come first serve.
Since the participants now know what the questions are they will know what components will be required to build the circuit. These components will be up for Auction in round 2. The teams have to buy the components with the money earned in round1.
The teams should use only those components which they won from the 2nd round and simulate the circuit. 10 points will be alloted for each solved circuit. Based on the number of circuits solved (Working circuit) the teams will win.
For more details:
Shrinidhi - 88671 90078
Ruchita- 94836 22801